Meet Timloola:
The best Hebrew voice-to-text engine in the world!

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Finally, a speech-to-text engine dedicated solely to the Hebrew language, built by Hebrew speakers, that outperforms multi-lingual engines focused on the major languages. Timloola uses AI-based technology to provide best in class Hebrew transcriptions and captions for your various audio and video content and recordings.
Perfect for researchers and students, journalists, content creators and providers who look for the most accurate results in Hebrew.
As Timloola was built primarily for the Israeli market, we offer, at this stage, a Hebrew UI only. If you need assistance with uploading your files, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We offer super-competitive prices, and of course, you can try us for FREE.
If needed, we provide human proof-reading and even translation services. Just talk to us.

About Us
We are veterans of the transcription & translation and media & TV industries. Our journey began with seeking for technology-based solutions for people with disabilities. We used AI and ML based speech to text technologies to provide live transcriptions and captions. We have created Timloola to provide our services to everyone who needs Hebrew transcriptions, subtitles or captions, at world class quality.